next five commands are on PRAYER.
- “PRAY without ceasing”: 1.Thess.5,17.
- “brethren, PRAY for us”: 1.Thess.5,25.
- “Finally, brethren, PRAY for us, that the world of the Lord may have free course and be glorified, even as it is with you”: 2.Thess.3,1.
The Greek word is
the same in each command. Prayer is talking to God, through Christ,
and by the Holy Spirit: Eph.2,18. Prayer is an act of worship and
shows devotion to Him. Only the prayers of a child of God can be
heard by God, their Father. The only exception to this is when an
believer prays to God for salvation. Then God will answer his prayer
by saving him, Notice some of things we should pray for:
- God’s servants-they need munch prayer in serving Christ. Paul is the only New Testament writer who asks the prayers of those to whom he writes.
- The Word of God-that it may be glorified, and not be hindered by the Devil; that it may produce fruit: Eph.6,19.
- The saint-Paul was always praying for the saints: Eph.6,18; Col.1,3. See also 1.Tim.2,1-3, which is not the mood of command;
- Pray continually-be in a constant attitude of prayer. This will change your disposition in relation to other people. You will be better able to manifest the fruit of the Spirit with an attitude like this.
- “CONTINUE in prayer and watch in the same with thanksgiving”: Col.4,2.
means “to give constant attention to.” We are commanded to give
constant attention to prayer. It is important to see that in verse 3,
Paul asks prayer from the believers so that he might have
opportunities to proclaim the Mystery of Christ that was revealed to
him. The Mystery is the greatest truth in the Bible. It should also
be noticed that thanksgiving is a part of prayer. We should never
forget to thank Him for saving our souls. We should pray that He
would help us to obey these commands that were given to the Body of
Christ. See Rom.12,12.
- “Be careful for nothing. But in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request BE MADE KNOWN unto God”: Phil.4,6.
“Be made know”
means “to reveal.” We are to reveal to God what is on our minds.
Our minds get cluttered up with many things, and He wants to know all
about what we are thinking. This is the cure for worry. When we pray,
we come into His presence. He is our Father, we are His children. The
more we love Him, the more we pray. Supplications refer to ens’s
personal needs, and requests are the objects asked for.
The next six
commands have to do with our WALK.
- “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so WALK YE in Him” Col.2,6.
- “WALK in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time”: Col.4,5.
- And WALK in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour “: Eph.5,2.
- “For ye were sometime darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord. WALK as children of light”: Eph.5,8.
- “See then that WALK circumspectly, not as fools but as wise”: Eph.5,15.
- “This I say then, WALK in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh”: Gal.5,16.
These six
commands contain the same Greek word for “walk,” which means “to
regulate one’s life, to conduct one’s self.” It has reference
to our whole life in Christ. Grouped together, these commands give us
a good outline of how are to walk before God.
- In Him-pertains to our sphere of walking. Can also refer to holiness of living. He is holy. Col.2,6, is very similar to John.1,12
- In wisdom-this means broad and full intelligence in a general way, of a variety of matters. Also used of the wisdom of God: eph.3,10; Luke.11,49; Rom.11,33; Col.2,3.
- In love-in the sphere of Divine love. He is the example, giving His life for us: Rom.5,6-8; Eph.5,2, is very similar to Joh.3,16 and John.15,9-17.
- As children of light-this is the same word John used when Jesus said, “I am the light of world”: John.8,12. We are to shine as lights: Phil.2,15. Christ, the light, lives in every believer.
- Circumspectly-means “with exactness, accurately, carefully.” Not deviating from Christian responsibility. Obeying. The commands of our Lord.
- In the Spirit-in the sphere of the Holy Spirit. Then we will not do the works of the flesh nor to live according to the Law of Moses.